• Gungun Kaur


    Gungun Kaur is a popular social media influencer known for her engaging and relatable content that keeps her followers hooked on the latest trends in beauty, fashion, and lifestyle. With a keen eye for style and a vibrant personality, Gungun takes her audience on a journey through her personal transformation, from her teenage years to the confident young woman she is today. Her posts offer a behind-the-scenes look into her lively life, showcasing her love for spending time with friends and her sister, all while embracing the joys of everyday moments. With her charm, authenticity, and passion for life, Gungun Kaur continues to inspire and connect with her ever-growing community, offering a fresh perspective on beauty, fashion, and living life to the fullest. Now partnered with Luxe Star, a prestigious celebrity endorsement platform, Gungun brings her unique flair to brand promotions, personalized wishes, and adds a touch of glamour to any event.

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    Note -: Wishes Price will be higher in case of Corporate, Political or Social Wishes.

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    How To Book A Video?

    Select Celebrity

    Select Celebrity - search from the widest range of stars and find the right one for any occasion

    Share Message

    Share Message - Write the message you want your star to convey in the video/dm and make sure to include everything in the form.

    Make Payment

    Make Payment - pay the respective price of your gift and wait for it to be cooked. It usually takes 7 days for your deliverables to arrive (In some cases it may come soon).

    Get Video

    Get Video - Luxe Star will deliver you the video via email and text you with a link. So you can download your video from there.

    Sample Videos

    Designed and Developed by Luxestar

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